❗ The KEY to scaling your project

I just spent 6h this weekend training my new operations assistant for my property management biz. Am I proud? You bet.

To me, nothing beats the peace of mind knowing my team’s got it handled. My goal today is to teach ya’ll how to onboard team members helping you 10x your project,.

Over the past week, we onboarded 3 properties, set up the management system to each, we are also in the negotiations stage to sign another client over a 20% partnership. Sure, this might seem small compared to what the big players do, but it still takes a team effort.

Being the easily distracted enthusiast that I am, I love taking things from zero to one. Then pass it off to team members who would happily take the operational work off my plate.

This way I get to focus on what I am best at- aka growing and developing my biz rather than living in it.


If you are new, welcome to OCE’s weekly newsletter curated for the ambitious youth…here are some articles you missed from previous weeks:


3 Steps to market your passion project

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Best tools for building your passion project

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Ready for some real talk?

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How do you find your team members?

Starting with knowing exactly what you want.

This means you need to understand what qualities or skills you want your team members to have so they can fully contribute to the project.

Let’s say you’re looking to get people to help market your coding community, you’re going to want to find someone who is well connected with amazing social media skills and a gift for writing/filming.

That’ll look hella different than hiring a coding instructor, where you’ll want someone who have in-depth experience in programming and can help to develop the curriculum.

Clarity is key here.

Now you know who you’re looking for, you need to figure out where to find them next…

Make your search as expansive as possible.

Post on social media, Discord, contact schools, reach out to people you know and ask for recommendations.

For instance, to fill the programming instructor role, you can contact local hackathons and ask them to share your posting.

Find the channel that works best for the role you’re looking to fill.

You want to attract the best to join your team?

Give an offer that they can’t refuse. Check out this posting from our friends at Impossible Foods (we met them during the OCE cohort this summer)

Why is this so cool?

Cheeky title aside, this posting makes you feel empowered, like you are joining a grand mission, not a job. “Step Up. Save Our Planet. Join Impossible” Loud and clear.

Build in Public

Run a well-organized team, and the right people will seek you out.

Here’s the operations dashboard I developed for our team member using Monday.com.

Trial Run

I personally don’t bring anyone onboard without a small test.

I want people on my team to truly value this as an opportunity to build something great. If they're driven, and together, we’ll create something meaningful.

After all, action speaks louder than words.

That’s it. Now you know how to bring team members to your project. The next move is yours.

Like what you read? Share with friends!

PS. This summer, we are going to tackle pressing global issues and drive innovation in regions (such as your own community) where it is needed the most. Want in?

We run a summer cohort for ambitious youth (high school and undergrads) to work directly with world-class founders while learning from Silicon Valley leaders.

You can also explore purposeful opportunities through our Impact Internship Opportunities Database.

Get Curious.



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Tinkering with OCE

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