✋ Ready for some real talk?

It’s rough being a teen in America these days.

You’re told that without a 4.0 GPA, your future is basically over before it starts.

So, you scramble to get those perfect grades, all for the chance to join the rat race to get into the same top schools as everyone else.

Once you’re in, the pressure doesn’t let up—you’re herded like cattle toward the “dream jobs” of medicine, law, or engineering. Because any other path means you’re doomed.

Or maybe you’re taught to idolize “disruptive” startups and their founders, who are “changing the world” before graduating college.

Because apparently the only options are doctor, lawyer, or a 20-year-old tech mogul.

That’s the future for ya, and it ain’t pretty.

An exaggeration? Maybe, but if only you take a step back, you’ll see that there are more options than meets the eye.

Let’s take a deeper dive,…


If you are new, welcome to OCE’s weekly newsletter curated for the ambitious youth…here are some articles you missed from previous weeks:


3 Steps to market your passion project

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Best tools for building your passion project

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Fight for your future starting with this...

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The 4.0 GPA and the shiny degree might get you through the door, but it won’t make you stand out in a sea of other high achievers with the exact same credentials.

What’s more is that beyond your local peers, now there is also a huge global talent pool of people who are ready to take on the same job for half the salary.

You don’t have to be a Harvard economist to see the alarms blaring.

When it comes to education, the math ain’t mathing.

But this is what setting ourselves up for “success” under the conventional route looks like. Chasing after the same coveted roles, checking the exact same boxes as everyone else.

You'll soon realize that you can never win like this because there will always be people who are better in checking boxes than you.

And when sh*t doesn’t work out, the old folks propagating the conventions won’t get burned…

Young people and their future will.

What else…

I recently shared an IG post about the problems we are solving for is getting smaller and smaller.

It kinda went viral.

Here’s break down, the innovations nowadays are so niched down in America such that we’ve optimized the smallest task.

In fact, “innovation” has become such a Silicon Valley buzzword associated with tech companies producing sexy solutions that serve only the smallest percentage of the world.

Everyone thinks they can make it big by adding AI and web3 to whatever they are building – despite having no relevance.

Again, just like in school, everyone is chasing after the same group of customers, solving the same tiniest problem with maybe slight variation in solution.

No wonder 90% of startups never achieves long-term profitability.

But can you blame them?

How to turn this around…

Let’s be clear — we’re not going to pretend we’re the ones who know how to fix this complex challenge of an over-saturated and rapidly shifting market.

But we do know as changemakers, we take action.

So what can you do about it?

The way we see it — we need to fix this problem by broadening our horizons.

By focusing on differentiation.

Differentiation isn’t just about catching people’s attention. And we are certainly not talking about adding a prestigious brand name school or award to your resume.

It’s about being purposefully different by offering unique value that meets specific needs in ways that others cannot.

For example. consider that 86 percent of global consumers live in developing countries, innovation in these regions is driven by the biggest impact for the most people.

This focus on need — rather than “nice-to-have” — is why emerging market provide the biggest opportunity for real impactful innovation.

Yet, not many people in America is familiar with the market dynamic of these foreign lands.

  • Can you help US companies break into these lucrative markets?
  • Can you help emerging market startups break into the North American market?
  • Can you bring back ideas/solutions to implement here in your own community?

You’re no longer offering the same stuff everyone else claims on their resume,

You now bring something truly different to the table, because it's the unique value or perspective that sets you apart from everyone else.

Differentiation is what defines where you stand in a crowded space. The question is, do we have the curiosity and courage to tread a different path?

We think so. What do you think?

Like what you read? Share with friends!

PS. This summer, we are going to tackle pressing global issues and drive innovation in regions (such as your own community) where it is needed the most. Want in?

We run a summer cohort for ambitious youth (high school and undergrads) to work directly with world-class founders while learning from Silicon Valley leaders.

You can also explore purposeful opportunities through our Impact Internship Opportunities Database.

Get Curious.



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Tinkering with OCE

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