😱 Fear on the street and money in the “ugly”

The year 2020 remains etched in our memories.

A year plagued with uncertainty, anxiety, facemasks, and sanitizer bottles. The simple became complex, and ease turned into struggle overnight.

BUT – there is a silver lining. Every time there is a crisis, there is an opportunity.

Here’s the truth: the best time to build something purposeful is when there is a LOT of chaos. When people are consumed by fear and uncertainty. When people are distressed and desperate for solutions. That’s the time for greatest impact, and it may soon be that time again.

There is a reason why virtual communities like OCE took off during the height of the pandemic when people were isolated, frustrated, depressed due to a lack of human connection and physical mobility. There is a reason that I’ve been getting into the recession-resistant property management biz. There is a reason I am connecting you to high growth emerging markets. Why? Because things are getting chaotic, and they’re going to accelerate – just read the news. We are not here to build for clout or for the sake of “checking boxes”, we are here to solve real, painful problems.

The key is not building in dreams and hopes but in realities, in communities.

Here’s to you, visionary souls to seize the sourest of lemons and transform them into the sweetest lemonade of opportunity.


If you are new, welcome to OCE’s weekly newsletter curated for the ambitious youth…here are some articles you missed from previous weeks:


How to get people to ACTUALLY respond

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Best tools for building your passion project

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All Your Questions Answered

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Meet our 2024 innovation co-creation partner, Happy Grocers, Thailand. (forbes30U30)

Without the pandemic, Happy Grocers might not have been born in the same way. “During the initial days of the pandemic, there was so much uncertainty that no one knew the perfect way to respond,” Moh reflects. This lack of clarity and the absence of expectations meant that the fear of failure was quite low. “People were just trying to figure things out. It worked in our favour because we weren’t afraid of mistakes.”

Started in a garage in the midst of the pandemic when all the retail stores were shut down, Happy Grocers have grown to a full-fledged sustainable supply-chain operation, delivering over 300 tonnes of fresh produce to-date from farmers directly to customers around Thailand.

What makes them so special?

For one, they work with their farmers to prioritize the use of high-quality soil, placing a strong emphasis on the exclusion of chemicals, herbicides, and chemical sewage.

At the same time, they focused on offering organic or sustainable produce at more affordable prices. This approach aims to establish food stability.

Finally, with direct procurement from farmers and an eco-friendly grocery trucking service, they eliminate unnecessary packaging processes.

Overtime, they were able to develop a trustworthy reputation among the farmers and eco-conscious consumers, expanding operations all over Thailand.

What’s even more surprising is that they have prevented over 200 tonnes of food waste, by selling produces that are deemed too “ugly” by conventional retail standards.

“Future of food is one that allows us to nurture ourselves while taking care of farmers and the planet”

When asked to advise individuals who aspire to make an impact on their society, Moh suggested examining the resources available in one's area and finding the courage to start small.

"We subscribe to the theory that small yet consistent growth will eventually result in a widespread impact."

Have you ever wondered where our food came from and how to build in our community? Follow our journey with Happy Grocers this summer as we tackle sustainability at scale, one small step at a time. :) .

Like what you read? Share with friends!

PS. This summer, we are going to tackle pressing global issues and drive innovation in regions where it is needed the most. Want in?

We run a summer cohort for ambitious youth (high school and undergrads) to work directly with world-class founders while learning from Silicon Valley leaders.

You can also explore purposeful opportunities through our Impact Internship Opportunities Database.

Get Curious.



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Tinkering with OCE

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