📜 The fallacy of playing by the rules

Young, naive, rather innocent, I played by "the rules".

Let me save you some hard lessons early in your climb.


If you are new, welcome to OCE’s weekly newsletter curated for the ambitious youth…here are some articles you missed from previous weeks:


3 Steps to market your passion project

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Best tools for building your passion project

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Fight for your future starting with this...

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If I just find the perfect job, I’ll be fulfilled and secure for life. Those words, those conventional wisdom were nothing but a delusion.

The first time I was given a rude awakening—yes, the first—was at an internship. An internship where dreams go to die. What’s so bad about it, you ask? Being a cog in the machine, I think, crushing you with their banality and tortuous meaninglessness.

Can't go far without purpose.

The second rude awakening came with a company-wide reorg. The announcement hit like a punch to the gut: the office was closing, and everyone was given an ultimatum—relocate to another state or face layoff.

Every cog is dispensable.

James Altucher said, Every time you say yes to something you don’t want to do, this will happen. You will resent people. You will do a bad job. You’ll have less energy for the things you were doing a good job on. You will make less money. And yet another small percentage of your life will be used up, burned up, a smoke signal to the future saying ‘I did it again”

Choose your purpose, choose yourself.

PS. Make sure you receive my message, add me (hello@openclassroomexperience.com) to your contacts. It helps a ton.

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PS. This summer, we are going to tackle pressing global issues and drive innovation in regions (such as your own community) where it is needed the most. Want in?

We run a summer cohort for ambitious youth (high school and undergrads) to work directly with world-class founders while learning from Silicon Valley leaders.

You can also explore purposeful opportunities through our Impact Internship Opportunities Database.

Get Curious.



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Tinkering with OCE

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