Hey crew, it’s me again. I see you getting all cozy as you settle in for another holiday season….or perhaps travelling/vacationing to somewhere exotic. If you didn’t already know, OCE is constantly looking for ways to support your endeavors. And that’s exactly what’s been on my mind this holiday season – how to bring more meaningful opportunities to you. So in honor of the holiday, I want to share a little project that's been in the works for the past several weeks. Attached below are 600+ purpose driven organizations hand-picked and compiled by yours truly– categorized by area of impact. If you are thinking of making a move on your business/career/education – the founders of these organizations would be a great starting point to tap into as they are all highly acclaimed.
How to get them to respond to your email?Follow the steps below: Research their biz - Are they experiencing any challenges? Anything their competitor is doing better? Template for your outreach: Hi, I noticed that your company X is [insert challenge]. Here is a solution that may be helpful for you [insert template, competitor strategy, prototype etc]. In addition, I am a student/new grad from X School really interested in your industry. You’ve built an incredible foothold in [insert field], I was wondering if I can contribute to your cause by [insert skill offering] and learn directly from you. (This template also works for any founder/tech leader in the OCE community) I want to share something cool...This new year, OCE will be launching a free weekly newsletter sharing everything from investing/building biz to school application strategies. Being apart of the OG community means extra perks for you. If you are working on any project/side hustle, I'm happy to highlight and endorse your work by sharing it in the newsletter – subscribed by 2000+ youth + industry leaders. As always, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reply to this email and I'll get back to you. :) Cheers to another impactful new year! Lena |
Subscribe to OCE's weekly newsletter on tech, business and higher education...curated for the ambitious youth.
Most people will never be successful. That’s not an opinion—it’s reality. #1 NYT best-selling author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss put it bluntly: “It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocrity. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.” In other words: playing it safe is actually the riskiest thing you can do. Why? Because mediocrity is a trap....
You don’t have to be an economic whiz to see the flashing red lights. The U.S. is $36 TRILLION in debt. That’s 36 followed by twelve zeroes. And no, this isn’t Monopoly money—we’re talking about real dollars, the kind that determine your future job prospects, cost of living, and ability to afford a house (you know, the one you might not ever be able to buy at this rate). Here’s the deal: The government is borrowing money at a pace that makes a shopaholic’s credit card bill look responsible....
Listen—too many of you are out here posting about your projects, hoping people will care. But they don’t. You know why? But FIRST If you are new, welcome to OCE’s weekly newsletter curated for the ambitious youth…here are some articles you missed from previous weeks: 📈 Forget Goal-Setting, Here’s What Actually Works Read More → 🎨 Best tools for building your passion project Read More → 📘 Ready for some real talk? Read More → Because your content is too safe. Too plain. Too forgettable. People...