📈 How to grow your network 10x faster

If there is one thing I wish I could’ve done earlier, it is this..

Building up my reputation as a changemaker.

And here’s why…


If you are new, welcome to OCE’s weekly newsletter curated for the ambitious youth…here are some articles you missed from previous weeks:


How to get people to ACTUALLY respond

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Best tools for building your passion project

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All Your Questions Answered

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The world is changing. Many of you weren’t even born during the days when cover letters, hard copy resumes, and handshakes were the only ways people grew their networks and ultimately landing opportunities.

When top schools admitted applicants solely based on standardized test scores and short personal statements.

Now LinkedIn has almost evaporated resumes and cover letters has been absolutely replaced by short, succinct emails.

Not to mention, portfolio of projects and outstanding extracurricular has outweighed test scores when it comes to top school admission.

It feels uncertain this world we live in, with change as the only constant.

That is because now more than ever, the world demands those who are adaptable, creative, and brings unique perspectives—true changemakers who can navigate and shape the evolving economy.

Changemakers who pull-in people, and opportunities by being sought after, not by pushing your resume, email, test scores at others.

Because being a changemaker these days truly means: "It's not what you know, it's who knows that you know it!"

If we don’t embrace the inevitable shift in how we communicate, how we grow our network, and ultimately how we will monetize, we are going to be left behind by the accelerated change.

BUT Lena, how do we do that?

How do we build out our reputation outside of our school or internships? This question is a bit akin to how to win in the new economy. Read more in my post here about leveraging “portfolio career” to build skill, network and distribution.

BUT in case you don’t have a side project... let’s start with one small step you can do TODAY.

Build your personal website.

If you don’t have a project, I urge you to do this at the very least.

Whether you are in college, high-school, or a recent grad these days you can create your own website for less than $20.

Whether it only has your resume on it, your face and links to your social media, your mission of why you get up each day, when you start putting your name out into the online universe, things will happen for you, I promise.

So worry less about exactly what your niche is and worry more about getting your name searchable on the airwaves.

I’ll break down how I built out mine – the first iteration of OCE. Those simple steps are what led me to do basically anything interesting I’ve done and to expand my network exponentially.

STEP 1: Pick a Host and Domain

There are tons of options, Wix, Framer, Notion Sites, but I personally used Squarespace when I first started simply because it combines hosting and domain all in one. You can start with a 60-day free trial.

STEP 2: Choose a template

The best part of a site builder is that you can just drag and drop to create the perfect design. Check out our friends Dr. Tan Lekwijit and Justin Fulcher for some inspo.

STEP 3: Fill in the content

I like to use ChatGPT to handle all the copywriting on my behalf

This is the prompt that I use:

STEP 4: Start Promoting YOURSELF

You can start by sharing it on your IG profile. You can also promote it on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok. I’ve personally even tried Reddit, Quora, Discord and various Listservs when I first started OCE.

I know, this feels kind of spammy. BUT you have to think about it this way, if your goal is getting your idea/purpose in front of the broadest reach because you believe it is going to help people immensely then this is simply a way to accomplish that.

You want to build your reputation as a value-creating changemaker, regardless of what happens in your field of study, in your industry, in life in general. This is how you make opportunites come to you.

Watch what happens.

PS. Our summer cohort kicks off next week. The first thing we will be working on is our personal site and we will be sharing every step of our journey with you :)

Like what you read? Share with friends!

PS. This summer, we are going to tackle pressing global issues and drive innovation in regions (such as your own community) where it is needed the most. Want in?

We run a summer cohort for ambitious youth (high school and undergrads) to work directly with world-class founders while learning from Silicon Valley leaders.

You can also explore purposeful opportunities through our Impact Internship Opportunities Database.

Get Curious.



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Tinkering with OCE

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